Formed by the Gospel in Community for Mission
The gospel is the good news that God is reconciling and restoring all things to himself through the transforming power of the life, death, resurrection, present and coming reign of our Lord Jesus Christ. As a gospel-centered church, we center our lives and worship on the gospel.
Through the gospel we are not only reconciled to God and renewed in our relationship to him, we are also reconciled and renewed in our relationships with one another. As a gospel-centered church, we value the family the gospel creates as we gather together to encourage and admonish one another.
In the same way God sent His Son into the world to reconcile the world to himself, and he has sent us into the world to be agents of reconciliation and renewal. As a gospel-centered church, we believe that God calls us to seek the flourishing of our city and to share the good news of God’s kingdom in every domain of life.
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9:00AM & 10:30AM