Groups exist to make disciples formed by the gospel in community who live on mission
LOVING CHRIST: We love Christ by knowing him through his word and living out the reality of the gospel in our daily lives.
BEING HIS CHURCH: We are His Church as we live out the reality of the gospel in authentic biblical community, freely giving of ourselves and our resources to build up the body of Christ and enhance her witness in the world.
FOR OUR CITY: We are for our city as we live out the reality of the gospel where we live, work, and play—displaying the love of Christ and hope of the gospel in all we say and do.
FAMILY GATHERINGS: The rhythm of sharing our lives with one another in both formal and informal settings and gathering together during the everyday and ordinary events of life.
BIBLE STUDY: The rhythm of engaging with God and one another through the study of Scripture and prayer in order to know Christ more deeply and follow him more faithfully.
LIFE ON LIFE: The rhythm of seeking to apply the truths of the gospel to our own lives while encouraging genuine gospel transformation in the lives of others (this usually takes place when men and women meet separately to apply the gospel on a deeper level).
SERVING OUR CITY: The rhythm of encouraging one another, and considering together, how to intentionally serve and actively display the love of Christ to our city.